The style & versatility of area rugs
No matter what your home style is – modern, traditional, contemporary - we can help you explore area rug visuals, patterns, texture, shapes, and sizes to enhance your vision. Bring your ideas to Crest Flooring and our design experts will help bring them to life.

Benefits of area rugs
Area rugs are more than just attractive soft additions to your décor, they offer protection for your floors underneath from foot traffic, spills, and pet scratches. Just like with wall-to-wall carpeting, the right area rug construction and fiber choice to suit your household conditions will make all the difference.
We also love area rugs as a way to introduce vibrant colors or bold patterns into a familiar layout. These low-cost, high-reward investments can help us refresh our rooms or match a seasonal theme while maximizing our design budget.
We carry the top name brands in flooring